15 mars 2006

Jacques Duvall Now Official Beta Tester

of the "Fat Boy Supper Club"

His best Carrot Soup
& son Tzaziki Printanier

As a long time carrot soup afficionado,
I thought I've seen or taste them all.
But now i know,
what a REAL carrot soup is!

with Ginger
& Lemon

As winter stays in, nothing warms the spirits and the kitchen like a pot of simmering soup.

If you are among those who assume that soup comes from a can or a restaurant, this recipe will allow you to discover for yourself how simple it is to make a savory soup.
All you have to do is a little slicing and dicing. The exotic flavor of fresh ginger combined with the sweet flavor of lemon will do the rest of the work for you.
Trust me, if you can connect the dots, you'll be enjoying a party in your mouth in less than an hour.

This beautiful and delicious soup
is now only served at The Fat Boy Supper Club.


1/4 cup (1/2 stick) butter
1 1/2 cups chopped onion
3 Stalks young celery finely chopped
2 Crushed cloves of garlic
1 tablespoon finely chopped peeled fresh ginger
1 1/4 pounds medium carrots, peeled, chopped (about 3 cups)
finely grated rind of one lemon
6 cups (or more) chicken stock
1/2 pint (or less) double cream

Fresh ground black pepper
4 tablespoons sour cream mixed with the finely
grated rind of one lemon
Young celery leaves roughly chopped
mixed with half a lemon juice and
some “Fleur de sel” to taste.


Melt butter in heavy large pot over medium-high heat.
Add onion; sauté 4 minutes.
Add ginger and garlic; sauté 2 minutes.
Add chopped carrots, and lemon peel; sauté 1 minute.
Add 6 cups stock and bring to boil.
Reduce heat, cover partially and simmer until carrots are very
tender, about 20 minutes. Cool slightly.
While the soup is cooling slightly, prepare the lemon cream.
In small bowl, combine the sour cream and the grated lemon zest.
Cover with cling film and refrigerate.
Puree soup in batches in blender.
Soup should be thick and smooth.
If you like your soup velvety smooth,
pour through a fine mesh strainer.
Return soup to pot. Mix in double cream.
Season with pepper to taste.
Can be made 1 day ahead. Cover and chill.

Bring soup to simmer, thinning with more stock, if desired.
Ladle into warm bowls.
Use a spoon to drizzle, or a plastic squirt bottle to draw,
"à la Jackson Pollock" a pattern onto the surface
of the soup with the lemon cream.
Top with the roughly snipped celery leaves and the “Fleur de sel”.

Makes 4 Servings.

You can eat it chilled too,
then add freshly snipped fresh coriander
instead of celery leaves.

Tzaziki printanier à la bourrache

Pour 6 personnes :

- 1 concombre
- 8 yaourts natures égouttés
- 4 cuillères à soupe d'huile d'olive
- un peu de jus de citron
- sel et poivre (5 baies si possible c'est meilleur)
- deux gousses d’aïl
- Deux cuillères à soupe de miel d’accacia
- Ciboulette , menthe, aneth ou coriandre (selon le goût)
- Une pomme pelée et coupée en tout petits dés
- Une poignée de fleurs de bourrache,quelques feuilles de menthe

Préparation du tzatziki :

1/ Mettre dans le fond d'une passoire un torchon fin, y verser le contenu
des 8 pots de yaourt nature et laisser égoutter environ 3 heures.
2/ Pressez l’aïl ou coupez le très finement.
3/ Rincer le concombre et le râper finement avec la peau et
le faire égoutter aussi dans une autre passoire.
4/ Une fois égouttés mélanger dans un plat
le concombre, l’ail, la pomme et le yaourt qui a réduit et
pris de la consistance.
5/ Ajouter l'huile d'olive,le jus de citron et le miel selon
le goût, sel poivre, et si vous aimez un petit bouquet de ciboulette,
de menthe, ou de coriandre.
6/ Mettre au frais.
7/ Servir en parsemant de fleurs de bourrache de feuilles de menthe.

Bon Appétit

Jacques Duvall, was here.
Jacques Duvall, c'est ici.



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3:37 PM  

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